Thursday, 28 June 2018

Silver DofE Qualifying Expedition - Exmoor

Well done to the 28 Year 11 pupils who completed their Silver DofE Qualifying Expedition on Exmoor this week despite the challenge of some very hot weather.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Bronze DofE Qualifying Expedition

The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Expeditions took place this weekend, with 80 Year 10s completing two days on either the Mendip Hills or the Forest of Dean. Groups in both expedition areas enjoyed good weather and clear visibility for the majority of the time. There was just the odd rain shower to contend with. The undulating terrain and long routes certainly represented a challenge when carrying heavy rucksacks. However, all of the participants made excellent progress over the two days and although there were some inevitable navigation errors all of the groups made it to their respective finish points in good time.